Alive Is Where You Find It: November, 2023

Alive Is Where You Find It

I like the car that vi-ba-rates!
The jounce and jiggle stim-u-lates
And starts a lovely fire.

The gentle spring sun pen-e-trates
And warm, the python un-du-lates.
Lo! The flame burns higher.

The chanted Aum that res-o-nates
With showers and ovens ill-u-strates
How Life adds to the pyre.

Healer’s light in-sin-u-ates,
Insistently accum-u-lates,
And fed, the flames inspire.

Each sight and sound persev-er-ates
‘Til senses long to con-sum-mate
And quench the Soul’s desire.

All Life is now, don’t hes-i-tate.
Alive, the body de-mon-strates
The grace of sensual fire.
ct  March, 1990

After what seems like the never-ending chaos of a world in change, it’s time to say Thank You.

After we have grieved our losses, it’s time to say Thank You.

After we have laid to rest the ghosts of our past, and the fears for our futures, it’s time to say Thank You.

It’s time to focus our attention on the small joys and enjoyments, and pleasures of each day in our living and say Thank You.

For so many people around the world and in our daily midst, Thanksgiving will be a hard, hard time. For those of us who can, please hold forgiveness, gratitude for life, and the uncompromising love of which Quan Yin is such a beautiful and consistent example. For those of us who simply can not, I hold you in my heart, in love, and in gratitude that you are part of my life.
                                                                             Blessings and Namaste,

edited by Monique Huenergardt of