Healing the world one heart at a time

Sharing the teaching of Quan Yin, the Essence of Compassion

as channeled by Reverend Charlotte Tinker


From Quan Yin

"Going forward in this transformation period, We believe ... all of you have agreed to be doing what needs to be done, and to support and encourge each other, without judging how it is done..

This 5th Dimension consciousness changes all of the ways that you begin to think about yourself, and about what is good and right and wrong, a sin, or truth, or lie. It is importannt that you pay attention. You are in the process of  proving that way of thinking and being is bringing a sense of well-being and contentment.  It is the Light or Love that you are which you are sharing with the world. The more you become Love or Light the more the sharing is automatic, becuase that is the way it is. That is the way love is. Love simply flows over everything, and through everything. Or you can call it Light. It is the same.

Quan Yin, January, 2023  


Visit Quan Yin in an established Sitting Circle, or arrange for an Evening With Quan Yin in your home with your friends.
Many of Quan Yin's lessons have been transcribed and self-published in a series of books and pamphlets as "Quan Yin Speaks". They are available for purchase at our Books 'n' Things page.