Healing the world one heart at a time
Sharing the teaching of Quan Yin, the Essence of Compassion
as channeled by Reverend Charlotte Tinker
From Quan Yin
"Change very often is like the waves that begin to crest so you can ride the waves. If you wait, now you are behind the wave and must paddle hard, must swim hard to try to catch up, so you are always being behind. It is important to learn to allow yourself to trust yourself to catch the wave as it comes, that it will be whatever it is that you need. To trust that the wave is the right wave, even if there are other waves, it doesn't matter.
You catch the wave as it comes, and ride it to wherever it goes. And you have not ever made a mistake about that, regardless of whether you ride it all the way, or fall off, or it drives you on shore, or it is not what you thought it would be. When you begin to put an agenda on it, a goal on it, a picture of the outcome on it, now you are trying to tell the wave how it must be, where it must go.
Life Force moves itself. It flows from its own center of Being, outward in ripples. It creates as it will. You are part of that Life Force that creates as it will, and when you can align yourself in trust and awareness that whatever the wave is that is coming for you, the Life Force is yours or you would not have seen it, then you can ride that wave and be part of whatever it creates for you in your life. When you have not made rules about how it must be, then it is free to unfold in front of you and every day is different. It is not like in Third Dimension where you take one step and you can see the path. In Fifth Dimension the path only comes under the foot that takes that step. You only have one foot at a time in Fifth Dimension. One foot at a time, so you are always having to make the step off the cliff every moment. Ride the wave. Allow it to carry you, and find exhilaration in it. It is very, very fun."
Quan Yin, September 9, 2017
Visit Quan Yin in an established Sitting Circle, or arrange for an Evening With Quan Yin in your home with your friends.
Many of Quan Yin's lessons have been transcribed and self-published in a series of books and pamphlets as "Quan Yin Speaks". They are available for purchase at our Books 'n' Things page.