Healing the world one heart at a time

Sharing the teaching of Quan Yin, the Essence of Compassion

as channeled by Reverend Charlotte Tinker


From Quan Yin

"You do not have your beliefs because of what you experience. Your experiences are the proof of what you believe.

"Most people are creating through old Universal patterns that they inherited and experiened the events of those creativities and decided that that was the way it was.  When you can see that what you are experiencing is a proof of what you believe, now you can change the beliefs, and now you begin to be in control, or have the power, to begin to re-crete your own life from what your heart center tells you is real.

"The events or actions that are happening in your life all of the time tell you what you believe, so it is up to you to recognize them as the mirror that says, "Oh, I have a belief somewhere that does not allow me to have what I think that I want, so before I go any further, perhaps it would be a good thing for me to heal that belief. To take all of the emotional content out of it, and then see what flows through - what experiences or events show up." The way to heal, or clear, these old beliefs is through the practices This Small One names Self-Forgiveness and Gratitude.

Remember, when you pray for something and it comes out not the way you wanted or expected it to be, it is not that the god as told you "no". It is that you need to look at the result to find out what your blockage is, what old belief you have created through, and the heal that blockage with the practices of Self-Forgiveness and Gratitude. When that belief if empty of emotional content, it is an empty belief, and you will not, then, be creating your life events and experiences through it."

Quan Yin April 26, 2019


Visit Quan Yin in an established Sitting Circle, or arrange for an Evening With Quan Yin in your home with your friends.
Many of Quan Yin's lessons have been transcribed and self-published in a series of books and pamphlets as "Quan Yin Speaks". They are available for purchase at our Books 'n' Things page.