Healing the world one heart at a time

Sharing the teaching of Quan Yin, the Essence of Compassion

as channeled by Reverend Charlotte Tinker


From Quan Yin

"You all have been unlocking your own doors. We come only to encourage you to step over the thresholds with confidnce. We come to remind you that you are alredy the channel through which this new cycle is making itself felt and is slowly and surely covering the earth, like a tide of water from the oceans. And this is a right thing."
The Goddess of the Chalice.

"In this 5th Dimension Consciousness, when you are present in the moment that is what you are all working for - the "goal" if you will call it that. When you are present in the momeht, there is such joy and such ecstasy. What the physical and sensual experience is is not important; when you are present to it, it holds the essence of joy. So you then move from one moment of joy to another moment of joy, and the experience that you have does not cling to you. It does not stay with you. It only becomes "karma" if you make a judgment about the experience.

"This process of present-ness you carry with you in each moment is like a tide which covers everything in front of you. It begins to infect those who are around you because your field of energy is at a higher vibration and the higher vibration raises the vibration of whoever is standing next to you. So all you ever have to do to have this world change on its axis is to be present as who you are in that moment.

Where you are in this mment is where the world is.

Quan Yin November 25, 2023 


Visit Quan Yin in an established Sitting Circle, or arrange for an Evening With Quan Yin in your home with your friends.
Many of Quan Yin's lessons have been transcribed and self-published in a series of books and pamphlets as "Quan Yin Speaks". They are available for purchase at our Books 'n' Things page.