Healing the world one heart at a time

Sharing the teaching of Quan Yin, the Essence of Compassion

as channeled by Reverend Charlotte Tinker


From Quan Yin

"It is important to stand behind your heart, especially in this time when there is so much fear and so much anger, and so much destruction and so much desolation. Peoples all over this world are desolated. If you are outside of your heart, you are like a leaf being blown in a hurricane by all of the emotional and psychic energy which is whirling around all of the time from these peoples. So, you must learn to be in, behind your heart, grounded and centered, connected, in any way you can do this.

"When you stand behind your heart you will be able to see these energies that come to you, and then you can decide what you wish to take in, what you wish to heal, or whether you want to simply let it go by because it is not for you to do today."

                                                                                                                                                           Quan Yin,     May, 2004             


Visit Quan Yin in an established Sitting Circle, or arrange for an Evening With Quan Yin in your home with your friends.
Many of Quan Yin's lessons have been transcribed and self-published in a series of books and pamphlets as "Quan Yin Speaks". They are available for purchase at our Books 'n' Things page.