Capturing the Carrot – May, 2024

Capturing the Carrot

Like the carrot dangling from a stick used to keep the donkey moving, we tend to fixate on the dream, the wish, the prayer of Peace, of Joy, of Love, of Security. With fulfilment always just over the horizon we continue to trudge along, thinking that we’re taking a positive action that will, someday, result in attaining our heart’s desire.

When we finally recognize that we’ve spent our lives chasing a chimera, we often drop into depression, despair, or rage, and determine to change it – all too often with violence. We go to war on what appears to be in the way of capturing the carrot. We pour our energy, our actions, our thoughts, our creativity into destroying what we see as being in the way. And, what we’re determined to eliminate only grows stronger.

Stop making war focusing on what you don’t want! Instead, take a positive action toward what you do want.

If you wish for Peace (Love, Joy, Security) take time to define for yourself what your experience of Peace feels like. What does Peace feel like physically in your body? What does Peace feel like emotionally, in your belly? What does Peace feel like mentally, in your mind? What does Peace feel like spiritually, in your heart? Now that you have a definition of the experience of Peace for yourself, take ten minutes three times a day to quiet everything and experience your understanding of Peace.

What triggers the experience of Peace for you? Perhaps sitting and watching the ocean or sitting or walking in a forest of trees. Perhaps having your pet beside you, sharing time and warmth, or rocking a new baby in your arms. Perhaps listening to your favorite music. Perhaps meditative breathing or a mindfulness practice. What triggers an experience of inner Peace for you is not important. It is important that you know, recognize and use the trigger that works for you.

As you seat yourself in your personal experience of inner peace, the world slows down, your mind quiets, stress at all levels and from all sources falls away. Mental, emotional and spiritual clarity and resilience come to the fore, and you’re better able to decide what you want and what actions you choose to take, no longer chasing the carrot of Peace, Love, Joy, or Security. You are present in the moment, your dreams/wishes unfolding before you!

Ah, the sweet taste of life lived now!


Edited by Monique Huenergardt of