"Transformation:  When all of the pieces come together
in one single sphere of wholeness: Ascension."
                                                                Quan Yin


Meditate for the Healing of our World
Tuesday Night Meditation
Weekly       7:30 pm
Join our 'hybrid' in-person & zoom Tuesday meditations
Contact Charlotte for the zoom link or meeting address.

We have been meeting weekly since September, 2001,
creating a joint field of
Energy, Light and Healing

Contact Charlotte for questions, location and RSVP


December Events

Winter Solstice and Psychic Fair
Untamed Fire        490 Ornge Ave., Sand City CA
December 15, 2024          11:00 - 4:00

Solstice Celebration and Candlelighting
December 21, 2024  6:30 - 9:00
762 Laine Street, Monterey

New Year Day
Annual Celebration and Tarot Party
Community Tarot readings and food
Bring a Tarot deck and food to share
2:00 - 4:00



Contact Charlotte