Love and Grief
So many dead! Dead by Natures’ events, dead by disease, by war and so many simply murdered. The world’s dead weigh heavily on my heart and in my mind, so I have begun to do “rescue” work several times a week. I find I am, however, inexorably drawn to heal the hearts of those who are left behind; those who are unexpectedly hurled into unimaginable loss and the devastating grief it brings: The heart and mind-numbing grief that so easily can become anger, despair and rage.
In my healing work I seek some clear path that will embrace and support the grief of loss, and also stop that gathering of rage which brings on the darkness of the Soul.
Doing rescue work with the children killed on the 24th (and what a sad, sad note that we have to name the date because there are so many to choose from), and their parents, I found a glimmer of a possible path forward.
Quan Yin and most of the Heart Masters that come to help me do the work of healing the heart reminded me of the following:
The heart can hold either Love or Hate, not both. We can choose to hold dear, to cherish, the love we feel for those who are dead, so that even in our grief they continue to live within us. They are in our hearts, an indelible part of our energy fields, and the blessings of their presence in our lives can live on.
I have come to see that when we people our hearts with anger, with rage, with a need for revenge (which all to often we call “justice”), we have truly lost our loved ones, for there is no room for them in the face of such anger. We may never be able to forgive those who murdered our children, our parents, our family and friends. We can, however, choose to fill our hearts and minds with the love we shared with them. Each day we can treasure the love we felt for them, and the love they gave us. We can go forward every day bearing that love as a banner and in the memory of their lives. And when we do, we change the world!
I am reminded again and again, that just as hate begets hate, so too does Love beget Love.
The deep healing states I have been experiencing have offered some deeper realities about Love.
Love is its own courage.
Love moves us forward in the face of devastating loss.
Love encourages to explore beyond our comfort zones.
Love challenges us to embrace and be open to new loves, even in the face of our fears of loss; even in the moments our despairing grief.
Love supports and nudges us to seek happiness when happiness seems to be forever stolen from us.
I am assured that in the face of unconditional, steadfast Love, even those who seem intractably locked into a nightmare of hate, fear and despair will eventually awaken.
It is that unwavering Love which calls each of us to acknowledge the seed of That Love as the foundation of our Human-selves and our Soul-Selves. That Love, from which we all came and which we all are, calls us to be more present to It with each breath, with each action, and when we are facing our own fears in each challenge.
That Love is eternal and untarnished and It expresses Itself through you and as you!
Thank you for joining me in my commitment to live from the heart of That Love, as we work to heal the world, one heart at a time.