On The Bay
I sit at the ocean – at the bay, and listen to the sound of the waves upon the shore. As I watch the constant turmoil, smell the acrid-fresh air and feel the moisture on my skin and in my lungs, I know that anything – NO! Everything, is possible. After all, it is from this same roiling cauldron of sea, (a pale reflection of that greater “ocean” which Quan Yin names the “void that is full”), that Life itself evolved.
As I soften the boundaries of skin and mind to to become one with, I connect to the waters of the bay outside me, the bay within me, and the void that contains both. I know, beyond doubt, that everything, including me, is not only possible, it is unfolding before my very eyes.
A November Practice
As the days draw down into darkness (remembering that the Southern Hemisphere is gaining Light), you may wish to light a tea light or small candle each evening as a reminder that the Light is always present; present in you, present in me, present in everyone and everything. Something to definitely be thankful for!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all.