In-ter-est-ing Times

I find myself feeling as if we were living the apocryphal,* mythological, ancient “Chinese curse”, May you live in interesting times. And “in-ter-est-ing” times these surely are.

Everyday presents a new labyrinth to get through as I juggle staying in the present moment and accomplishing my desired tasks. Unlike a rat running frantically to find the food at the end of a maze, I am learning to stroll each corridor. When I hit a dead-end or unexpected turn, I take a breath and either return, or explore the new direction. Either way, the passage I follow is new and can be, not only “in-ter-est-ing”, it can be fulfilling and a gift.

I am constantly re-learning to make a plan, and then be flexible enough to change that plan as I go along. I am actually practicing how to live in the present moment while not being locked into a future I can sense.

Quan Yin tell me these “interesting times” are a result of so many of us who are applying 5th Dimension Consciousness paradigms (Self-Forgiveness, Gratitude and the Love which unfolds itself) while navigating a 3rd Dimension Consciousness world. We are practicing kindness, graciousness, generosity of spirit and discernment, while we are building spiritual, emotional and mental resilience.

When frustrated beyond bearing, I return to my old, well-used mantras for comfort: Quan Yin’s Om Mani Padme Hum, Gratitude Practice, the beautiful Hail Mary, the Heart Sutra, or ‘give me this day my daily bread’. I do these mantras not to become more spiritual, or to escape from the frustration of navigating the world as it is today from a higher dimension of consciousness. I do them for the comfort they bring. Centuries of use have created fields of love, of awareness, of serenity, of hope, of belief, and of promise. I wrap myself in these fields for comfort and renewal.

May you, too, find comfort, fulfillment and purpose in these all too ‘in-ter-est-ing’ times.


*Apocryphal: of unknown authorship or of doubtful origin.