“Your lives are of such beauty and elegance!
Your people seem to miss this beauty, this elegance. They spend too much time trying to figure out if they have “learned the lesson” they came to learn.
They spend too much time trying to prove to themselves, by proving to others, that they have “succeeded”, or have “been of value” in their lives.
They spend too much time trying to figure out the “meaning” of Life itself, and of their life in particular.
There IS no intrinsic “meaning” to life. There is only the meaning that each one gives their life each moment of each day. It is you, my Small Ones, who give meaning to life. It is not the meaning of what you did or did not do. It is not the accomplishment of the past days or years that give your life meaning and beauty. The value of your life is the meaning you give it This day.
All Humans-in-Being have only one day in life. That is this day. There is no yesterday. There is no tomorrow. There is only this day. This day is the whole of your life. In this way, you create the world you inhabit. In this day, you create the meaning of Life. In this day, you create the Love of which God is. Do not waste this day with regrets or judgements about what is past. To make this day new, it is important that you do not continue to live in yesterday.
You come into this life, into your parents, into the family and the country and the social group on purpose. You come to the place you need to be to experience the events needed to accomplish the expansion and evolution of Soul. Your personal Soul, and the bigger Soul. It was no accident that you had your children born to you and not to someone else. They required exactly what you could provide for their Soul’s journey. And they provided exactly what you needed for your Soul’s journey. Is it not beautiful how elegantly arranged Life is!
For Soul to expand to a state of one-ness with what you call “God”, it must experience every experience on every level and in all dimensions. It is this collection of experiences that you call Spiritual Evolution. Ascension is that moment when all that has ever been experienced gently and quietly moves into place, like a beautiful golden sphere, and you are part of it, not separate from it.
Your judgements about yourself and others, about what you did or did not do are the blocks that keep you seperated from your God, from your Soul, from Life. Each moment that you are willing to release your judgements, to turn away from your inner critic – in that moment you are whole and beautiful!
Each person, animal, plant, planet is like a holograph of The One. Within you is contained All There Is. You are are both, a piece of The One, and all of The One. Without you there is nothing.”
Dictation from Quan Yin and the Goddess of the Chalice
June 6, 1996