A Letter to Myself – The Hermit’s Lamp, January 2024

A Letter To Myself

Dear Charlotte,
Here are some things to remember as you navigate 2024.

There is only Perfect, Uncompromising Love, whatever it feels or looks like. Your job, if you will, is to see beyond the events and hold fast to the Love from which everything comes and returns.

Infuse everything you do with the essence of your “purpose.”

No one dies by mistake or too early. When we have completed our contract, reconciled some of our karma, and served our purpose, we are free to go home to Love, from which we came.

Without self-forgiveness there is no justice. Without justice, there is no peace.

Happiness is a habit of choice. Remembering pain, loss, betrayal, anger, brings them forward into the present moment where they are recreated and re-experienced. Remembering the wonder of love, simple joys, the sweet surprise of a rainbow, quiet times with friends and family, brings them forward into the present moment where they are recreated and re-experienced.

Karma is judgment about yourself, or others, in the presence of an experience, event or situation. Self-righteous judgment (karma) is the hardest karma to reconcile. Karma has been reconciled when you are able to experience an experience , event, or situation without judgment of any kind.

Hold Firm the Light

Everything outside of me is a mirror of something similar within me. When I react to an event, situation or person, the first thing to do is ask myself “how do I do that” or “how am I like that”. Second is Self-forgiveness and the third is Gratitude practice.

The practices of self-forgiveness and gratitude are two of the three pillars of 5th dimension consciousness. They provide the field that allows and encourages the 3rd pillar, Love, which as always been there, to flourish, unfold and blossom.

Move from Crusader Heart (principles at the cost of people) to Compassionate Heart (People before principles).

Be Kind. Kindness is a generosity of spirit.

Start and end each day with Gratitude Practice: Thank you for everything, I have no complaints whatsoever.

                                                                                       Blessings,  Charlotte