February, 2024

Staying the Course

Living each day from my commitment to embody uncompromising, steadfast love and live each day with my feet firmly entrenched in that same uncompromising, steadfast love has been an overwhelming challenge in the face of what feels like the wholesale self-destruction of the world.

So much of the destruction is reflective of the vision I had in 1989 of wading chest-deep through acres of the desiccated bones of millions of children left on a flat desert plane extending as far as the eye could see, and I wonder if my commitment is only a sophistic way of doing nothing. An excuse to avoid actively engaging on one side or another.

While in this blue funk I came across this quote from Lao Tzu.
“I have just three things to teach:
Simplicity, patience, compassion.
These three are your greatest treasures.
Simple in actions and in thoughts,
You return to the source of being.
Patient with both friends and enemies,
You accord with the way things are.
Compassionate toward yourself,
You reconcile all beings in the world.”
Lao Tzu from Tao Te Ching

As I rediscovered this quote written so long ago, my moral compass once again swung north, and I heard an oft-repeated phrase from the movie The Patriot: “Stay the course,” which coincides remarkably with Quan Yin’s urging to “Hold Firm the Light.”

And I remember a few basic tenets.
* Only Love creates life, life of every kind; any A-hole can destroy.
* Only human consciousness can choose to wield Love (creation) or wield Hate (destruction).
* Every human can be an instrument of the Love that creates everything.

We can love those we don’t like or don’t agree with, or even recognize as cruel or without “redeeming qualities,” and in doing so, we become what Quan Yin calls “humans-in-being.”

So, I have recommitted to daily, sometimes moment-to-moment, consciously choosing to be an instrument of that Uncompromising Love from which we all come, to which we all return and of which there is no other.

I encourage each of you to join me when or if you find yourselves in those dark moments of helplessness or overwhelm in remembering that:
*Uncompromising Love, while subtle, is far stronger than unending hate.
* That Love embraces Hate and transforms or neutralizes it.
* That Love is our natural state, and is timeless and eternal.
* That Hate is transitional and takes more energy to sustain simply because it is not our natural state.
*And to consciously choose Love each day.

                                                                          Blessings,  Charlotte

Edited by Monique Huenergardt of MoReadsYou.com